(352) 379-4618 info@kathleenleavy.com

“Qi is atoms, Qi is radiation, Qi is water, Qi is rock, Qi is thought, Qi moves in waves, it moves as a vortex moves. Qi moves like water moves, spiraling, and circling.”

“Acupuncturists can, by feeling the pulse, observing, and asking questions, determine how to regulate the body.”

“The interaction of Yin and Yang, or night and day and the innate movement of the planet on its axis influences the movement of Qi in our bodies.”

“Acupuncture points are areas of the body where there are little vortexes which can alter the speed of flow in our blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the spaces between skin, muscles, and cells.”

“Pulse Dianosis adds critical information that can greatly alter treatment strategy and prevent serious disease potential as well as help understand acute issues that may also be occuring or contributing to future issues.

Taoism in Chinese Medicine

A visual expression of how Taoism is incorporated into the practices of Chinese Medicine. What happens inside of us, happens outside of us. To understand the process of nature, is to understand our process of health and disease.