Julia Leavy, AP – Practicing Acupuncture Physician.
-Practicing Acupuncture for 10 years
-Clinic Supervisor at DRCOM
-Instructor of Scalp Acupuncture
Julia graduated from Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine specializing in the Shen/Hammer pulse method with direct tutelage under pulse founder, Leon Hammer, MD. She received her masters and is Nationally board certified (NCCAOM) in Acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Julia grew up in a medically oriented household with a strong influence in healthy living, she has been immersed in Chinese Medicine her entire life, and reached for herbs as readily as another would seek out Advil. Before she new she wanted to practice Medicine she spent hours as a child, tirelessly, attempting to bring lizards back to life after their brave encounter with house cats.
Julia’s goals have, and have always been, to seek out the source of a problem, and help alleviate it as quickly as possible. The Oriental Medical was is Julia’s passion, life calling and brings her great joy to see people advance on their path.
Pulse Diagnosis
Custom Herb Formulation
Our Physicians
Kathleen Leavy, R.N., A.P.
Acupuncture Physician, Owner
Julia Leavy, A.P.
Acupuncture Physician, Owner
Claire Fenn, A.P.
Acupuncture Physician, Owner