Oriental Pathology and Physiology (OPP)

Oriental Pathology and Physiology (OPP)

About the Course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia mollit anim id est laborum. Maecenas maximus in massa sit amet maximus. Fusce facilisis nunc neque, ac dapibus dui elementum non.


Learning Plan

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet | March 6, 2015 by Prof. Lorna Davis
    Suspendisse sapien ligula, tempus fringilla tincidunt at, rutrum ut nisl. Praesent dolor eros, varius ut luctus eget, fermentum laoreet purus.

  • Praesent sit amet est urna | April 10, 2015 by Prof. John Snow
    Nam id leo massa. Cras at condimentum nisi, vulputate ultrices turpis. Nunc finibus vestibulum dui a fringilla. Maecenas maximus in massa sit amet maximus. Maecenas maximus in massa sit amet maximus. Fusce facilisis nunc neque, ac dapibus dui elementum non.

  • Quisque a nulla eget ante vestibulum | March 1, 2015 by Prof. John Snow
    Quisque a nulla eget ante vestibulum lacinia eu quis massa. Donec hendrerit, diam sed maximus pretium, diam metus congue dolor, at auctor sem purus id dolor. Sed scelerisque velit id eros accumsan, vitae convallis elit tristique.

Class Venue

24 Hudson St, New York, NY 10014
Room 32

I have had two massive heart emergency surgeries a year ago and haven’t been able to regain my strength as I was on my deathbed for several weeks. I am now just beginning to return to my normal energy level. It is a slow road, but a good one. It is great and I feel good, and trust her. It seems as though my feet want to do a little dance as I walk the wooden walk up to her office door. I will continue to accept her treatments and highly recommend her to all my friends and neighbors. Bless you Kathleen. Receiving treatment for: ~11 years 

Mary Ranc

After my first visit seeing Kathleen I already experienced great results. I was full of energy, slept better than ever before and my overall happiness in life had increased. My treatments helped me not on a physical level but on an emotional and mental level. I’m thankful that I was introduced to Acupuncture so that I could experience the wonderful health benefits it has to offer. Receiving treatment for: 5 months. 


When you go and get treated, its nice to breath a sigh of relief when you enter an office. We have made brave headway here in this office. Everyone adds to the atmosphere of healing. Kathleen knows what she is doing. She has done her homework. Kathleen continues her research, teaches, and shares her wisdom freely. Kathleen continues to amaze us. My husband had an open wound and our estimated time for healing was 3 months. She told us about a method to heal sores with sugar and the wound closed up in 2 weeks! To have taken wound care out of the equation, as a caregiver, was monumental! The mutual support among employees and students coupled with patient equals a healing synergetic relationship satisfying for all! Receiving treatment for: several months. 


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