Acupuncture is excellent at treating functional disorders, it can adjust the heart rate, peristalsis, and the tone of the skin pores to allow or stop sweating. Acupuncture can relax the nervous system, open the bronchiole tubes, increase the movement of the diaphragm, relax or tone the muscles, and calm the mind to reduce anxiety and over thinking. Acupuncture can reduce the frequency of urination, regulate menstrual cycles, open the sinuses and nasal passages, and relieve cramping. Acupuncture can increase the number and activity of white blood cells, it can reduce inflammation, and of course it can relieve pain.
Qi is the basis of all form and movement in this universe. The Chinese Theory of medicine states that Humans are a product of the Mixing of the Qi of Heaven and Earth. We are the Children of Heaven and Earth. All of the things that make up the Earth, and move on the earth such as plants, water, animals, and wind are made up of Qi. All the stars, planets, galaxies are made up of consolidated Qi and move because their Qi moves.
Qi is atoms, Qi is radiation, Qi is water, Qi is rock, Qi is thought. Qi moves in waves, it moves as a vortex moves. Qi moves like water moves, spiraling, and circulating.
Our weather is in motion because it is Qi. Look at the weather maps, all those storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes are Qi in motion. Our body Qi is the same as the weather Qi, we are always moving inside, the laws that move the weather are also moving us. The forces that allow rivers to flow allow our blood to flow also.
Acupuncture points are areas of the body where there are little vortex’s which can alter the speed of flow in our blood vessels, lymph vessels and the spaces between skin, muscles, cells, etc. Acupuncture attracts the body’s attention, its Qi. Qi goes to the place a needle is put to satisfy its curiosity. Where Qi goes Blood follows. Blood is put in motion by the movement of the Qi.
Acupuncturists can, by feeling the pulse, observing, and asking questions determine how to regulate the blood, fluids, energy level, and emotions by helping the Qi to move into areas it was stuck out of or moving it away from areas that were congested.
If there is pain there is no Qi flow, If there is flowing Qi there is no pain.
People always ask how Acupuncture works.
It works by manipulating the Qi. It is similar to asking how the wind blows, it blows because the warmth of the Sun and the effects of the Earth spinning gives rise to Day and Night, causes our atmosphere to rise, fall, and twirl. The interaction of Yin and Yang, or Night and Day and the innate movement of the planet on its axis give rise to what we experience as wind. The movement of Qi in the body is under the influence of Yin and Yang, Day and Night, Rest and Activity.
When the needle moves the Qi in the channel one way it increases the Yin and in another way it increases the Yang, in yet another way it decreases the Yin, and in yet another way it decreases the Yang. In this simple way we can help to reorganize the flow of Qi to balance the Yin and Yang of the body so that we can get on with our lives with less suffering. You don’t need to understand the Qi because you can feel it. But if you do understand the Qi, life is more fun.
Recommended reading “Sensitive Chaos The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water & Air“, Theodor Schwenk