Acupuncture is excellent at treating functional disorders such as heart rate, peristalsis as well as relax the nervous system, relax or tone the muscles, and calm the mind to reduce anxiety, over thinking and is most popularly known to relieve pain.
Kathleen Leavy, R.N., A.P. has been practicing scalp acupuncture for stroke rehabilitation since 1992; stimulating areas of the scalp – which lie over hypofuctioning, atrophied, or injured brain tissue – will increase blood flow, oxygenation and lead to improved function of brain tissues.
With a Pharmacy that includes over 300 single herbs and patent formulas from China, the US, and South America, Kathleen has the opportunity of having access to herbs from many traditions and a vast amount of information regarding their qualities. Kathleen is committed to customization with her patients.
Kathleen Leavy is a graduate and no co-owner of the prestigious Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine. The only accredited college in the United States which specializes in the extensive study of diagnostic pulse observation and an exceptional way to understand disharmony in the body and is used to direct the course of treatment and herbs.
Using her experiences as a Registered Nurse in critical care and dialysis for 12 years, Kathleen helps her patients understand prescribed medications, procedures and tests recommended by their doctors. She acts as advocate and educator for all of her patients and their family members.